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Plataforma: | Steam |
Idiomas: | EN/DE/FR/IT/ES |
Fecha de lanzamiento: | 10 Apr 2014 |
Necesitas el juego base PAYDAY 2 en Steam para poder jugar.
El DLC Gage Mod Courier es el cuarto contenido para PAYDAY 2. Permite a los jugadores actuar como courier para Gage el traficante de armas, recogiendo los bultos que contengan mods que se encuentran dispersos por todo D. C. El nuevo DLC nos presenta 28 modificaciones nuevas para arma para juguetear con el jugador. también se agregan 10 logros para los jugadores que disfrutan de la caza de logro.
• Act as a weapon mod courier – Scattered around all of Washington D.C. are packages for the player to pick up. Gather enough packages of a certain type and you will trade those for powerful weapon modifications with Gage the arms dealer.
• 5 package types to find – Gage ships all his gun modifications in small, non-descript packages that are easy to carry and easy to conceal. There are five types of packages and they're ordered by the value of the contents, ranging from the Green Mantis packages to the Purple Snake ones.
• 28 new weapon mods to unlock – 28 new weapon mods are introduced for the player to tinker with. How about adding a rail mount for attaching scopes and sights to the Bronco revolver, turning it into a pocket sniper rifle.
• Ten new achievements to unlock – And finally, what would a DLC be without the added achievements to unlock. 10 new achievements related to, you guessed right, weapon mods!
• Introducing Reticle Switches – Gage's tech connections has allowed us to upgrade all available scopes and sights with a super useful reticle switch functionality, allowing you to individually customize the look and color of all your mounted sighting devices. Get four different reticles for free and a total of 10 reticles if you buy the DLC!