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Tchibo €5 Gift Card DE

Los detalles clave de activación
One or more Gift Vouchers can be used.
The Gift Voucher can be used multiple times until its value is completely spent.
There is no cash-back or change in cash possible.
The Gift Voucher is transferable, not personalized and valid for 36 months from the time of topping up.
Please note vouchers cannot be returned once they have been dispatched. All forms of Gift Voucher (including e-codes) and Gift Cards are non-refundable and cannot be exchanged under any circumstances. This includes any instance where a retailer ceases trading, or suspends acceptance of vouchers.
The Gift Voucher can be used in all Tchibo stores in Germany for Tchibo coffee and Tchibo consumer goods (excludes products from the Travel, Flowers, Tchibo Energy range, basic Tchibo Mobil fees, services and partner campaigns).
The Gift Voucher will be **activated within 24 hours** after it was purchased.

Tienda de café y cafetería conocida por su gama de productos distintos del café que cambian semanalmente. Disponible en o en una de sus más de 1000 sucursales en Alemania.

Calificación del producto